The Month window displays a grid of all of the days of a month.
Figure: Month Window, tiny.
If the Month window is small, then one horizontal line will appear in a day for each event in that day.
Figure: Month Window, controls.
If the Month window is large enough, the text of the event will appear instead of the lines.
• To reschedule an item, drag it to and from desired day in the Month window using the drag lines on the left side of the event message.
• To open the Day window for a given day of the month, click on the number of the day in the lower right of a day in the Month window.
• To open the Week window for a given week, click on one of the small buttons on the left side of the Month window.
• To move to the next or previous month, click the arrow buttons, or press the arrow keys on your keyboard.
• To create a new event on a specific day, click in an empty part of the desired day. A shadow box will appear where you can type the event message. You can enter the time of day as the first part of the message.